Little Learners Day Care

Administration of First Aid


First aid is the Emergency aid or treatment given to persons suffering an incident, injury, trauma or illness prior to obtaining professional medical services if required. It includes emergency treatment, maintenance of records, dressing of minor injuries, recognition and reporting of health hazards and participation in safety programs.

Little Learners Day Care is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment. We recognise our responsibility to provide first aid facilities that are adequate for the immediate treatment of injuries and illnesses. Our educators and staff are aware of their duty of care to children, families, other staff and visitors in providing appropriate first-aid treatment.

Policy statement

LLDC (‘The Service’) has a duty of care to provide and protect the health and safety of all Children, Families, Educators and Visitors to the service.

The Service recognises the importance of competent First Aid in the management of injuries and illness, especially among young children. The staff are qualified in First Aid and CPR and trained to deal with asthma, allergy and anaphylaxis. Information about children’s known medical conditions is readily accessible, as is any medication required to manage those conditions

Strategies and practices

  • The Service maintains an up-to-date record of the First Aid and CPR status of all educators, together with their anaphylaxis and asthma management training, in its Staff Summary Sheet. The required number of educators with these qualifications are positioned near children and meet regulatory requirements at all times, including on excursions.
  • First Aid kits are located in each room so educators can readily access them in an emergency. They are clearly labelled and kept out of the reach of children. A portable First Aid kit is available for excursions. The Service maintains a First Aid – List of Items as recommended by an approved First Aid training provider. The contents of all First Aid kits are cleaned, expiry dates checked, and replenished.
  • First Aid kits are easily accessible to all educators and staff.
  • The Service ensures the environment is safe and maintained to protect the children from harm and/or hazards that can cause injury.
  • The Service ensures a risk assessment is conducted prior to an excursion to identify any risks to health, safety or wellbeing and specify how the risks will be managed and minimised.
  • Educators will implement appropriate first aid procedures when necessary.
  • Ensure that all children are adequately supervised while providing first aid and comfort to the child involved in an incident, injury, trauma, or illness.
  • At any time, a child has been involved in an incident, injury, trauma, or illness and requires first aid treatment, an educator will complete an Incident, injury, trauma and illness form. Parents are asked to sign the Record when they arrive to pick up their child (as proof of disclosure of information.
  • In the event a child has been involved in an incident where he/she has been hurt above the shoulders, parents will be notified immediately.
  • Action plans are displayed in the room for children who suffer from asthma, anaphylaxis, or allergies. Staff are required to provide First Aid as per the action plan, and the Medication Form (as per the Action Plan) is completed.

Responsibilities of parents

  • To notify management with any change of contact details to ensure they are contactable in the event of an incident that requires first aid
  • To sign the incident, injury, trauma and illness report (as proof of disclosure information)
  • To sign consent (via enrolment form) for the service to administer First Aid and call an Ambulance if required.
  • Provide up-to-date medical information for the Service’s records

Links to other policies


  • Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
  • Guide to the National Quality Standard 2018.
  • National Health and Medical Research Council. (2012). Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services. 5th edition.

Further reading and useful websites

Policy review

The Service encourages staff and parents to be actively involved in the annual review of its policies and procedures. In addition, the Service will accommodate any new legislative changes as they occur, and any issues identified as part of the Service’s commitment to quality improvement. The Service consults with relevant recognised authorities as part of the annual review to ensure the policy contents are consistent with current research and contemporary views on best practices.

Copyright © Dr Brenda Abbey (Childcare by Design) 2012.

May be reproduced and adapted with permission but the author must be acknowledged.

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